IoT Firmware Emulator

Emulating firmware for microcontrollers is challenging due to the tight coupling between the hardware and firmware. This has greatly impeded the application of dynamic analysis tools to firmware analysis. In this project, we propose and implement a new automatic peripheral modeling approach based on symbolic execution. We take the firmware as input and infers the rules of how to respond to unknown peripheral accesses during symbolic execution. These rules are learned in a knowledge base(KB). With the returned knowledge base, our tool efficiently responds to peripheral read operations during dynamic analysis without any hardware dependence. Our tool achieves a passing rate of 95% in a set of unit tests for peripheral drivers without any manual assistance. We further intergrated Fuzzer (i.e., AFL) on the top of our tool and evaluated more than 20 real-world firmware samples. Evaluation results show that µEmu is capable of emulating real-world firmware and finding new bugs. (See more in our USENIX'21 paper)

Wei Zhou
Wei Zhou
Associate Professor of Cybersecurity

My research interests include IoT security, mobile security and program analysis.